Mini Bento Cake

Mini Bento Cake


♥️ Special Valentine Day ♥️

Mini Bento Cake only 25k
✨Dark Choco Base Cake
✨Base Cake 10 cm
✨Pink or Red Decoration
✨Free 2 Candle
✨Free Valentine Card and Tag

Valentine Hampers
✨Dark Choco Slice Cake
✨Fudgy Brownie
✨2 Soft Chewy Choco Cookie
✨Valentine Card and Tag

PO Hingga 11 February. Pengambilan pesanan 13 Februari.

Bahan Utama

Flour, gula, cokelat

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Menerima pesanan Hampers Valentine, Snack Box , Jajanan untuk berbagai, dan Birthday Cake.

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