Vegan Gluten Free mini size birthday cake

Vegan Gluten Free mini size birthday cake

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atas request temen-teman, kita finally launched Vegan Gluten Free mini size birthday cake

Perfect for personal indulgence and still tastes so good & healthy dan juga tetep rendah kalori yaa

Sudah termasuk packaging baggage box with ribbon & card juga lho

Let's gift your loved ones with this one of a kind cute healthy gift

Rest assured, Our Products:
gluten free
dairy free
refined sugar free
no butter and margarine
no preservative & other additive
100% plant based
Diabetic friendly

Jadi suitable buat yang ada allergic juga

Bahan Utama

Tepung bebas gluten

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Surabaya dan Luar Kota

TUTUP DULU SAMPAI JUMPA TAHUN DEPAN! ------------- Vegan & Healthy Dessert, Bread, Birthday Cake Custom the treats according to your needs 100% Plant based & All Natural

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